Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The (real) Starting Line

I am running at a strong pace, white shoes a blur of motion and grinning from ear to ear. After months of training I am almost there. I have gone the distance, I have kept my eyes on the prize, I am a lean, mean running mach—oh look!—it’s Goofy! Wait—oh my gosh—WAIT….why is he chasing me?

Suddenly breathless and looking over my shoulder I run faster and in my panic plow straight into Mickey Mouse who is waiting by the Finish line. Mickey’s head rolls off and children all along the end of the race path start screaming. Open-mouthed on the pavement to my horror Mickey is revealed to actually be my middle school gym teacher who blows a deafening whistle into my face and screams with spit flying, ‘HIT THE SHOWERS MS. OWENS!!!’

It is one of a few scenarios I have wondered about. As I lay in bed last night I said into the darkness, ‘Am I really about to run 13 miles straight?’

‘You say that like you mean it negatively,’ said my husband sleepily (who incidentally has not signed up to run even one mile straight—ahem).

‘No, no,’ I murmured back, thinking to myself that I meant it in more of a oh-my-dear-Lord-what-have-I-done-way…and yes if you want to be ‘technical’ maybe that is negative but unless you are running with me: shut it.

I am actually very excited to run the Disney half-marathon—I need to get back to a regular workout routine and it seems like a worthy goal is going to be the motivation I need. ‘But Emily—you do know there’s a 5K race that week, right? Because you know…this will be your first race…’ Yeah, I know. Here’s the deal: I have never been very athletic. Whether being self-conscious or just not being very talented (or a combo), I am the kid who dreaded gym and took many a zero during dodge ball and softball week.

Over the past few years I have been able to accomplish some things I never thought I would be able to do. I balance a husband, full-time job, daughter, school room-mom duties, friends, family travel agent, Pickle housekeeper, and my hobbies pretty well (though I am always game for a nap). I am by no means perfect but I think I do a decent job at all of these different roles.

In college my roommates would constantly run and I was always a bit envious of their tenacity (and quadriceps). The closest I have come to death is when I joined a couple of them for a Step class. I think hell might be in the form of a legging-clad blonde with a cheery pony-tail forever bouncing up and down on top of a turquoise bench in a never-ending series of things called ‘Around-the-World’ and ‘Over-the-Top’. I know—it is seemingly innoculous but look: everything is fun and games until your heart’s left chamber explodes which is completely possible during Step aerobics.

I digress.

Via All Ears (www.allears.net) I followed Mike’s Tower of Terror (ToT) 13K, Michelle’s first marathon, and Laura’s Princess Half-Marathon. Their advice and races seemed reasonable and dare I say fun. In a fit of confidence (delusion?) I thought the scariest thought of all, ‘Maybe I can do this…?’

Then the moment of truth came—an announcement that All Ears was going to host a running team with a twist: each team member would be raising money for Deb Wills’ annual Avon Breast Cancer Walk. I work in pediatric oncology and have seen first-hand what a toll cancer takes on your mind and body. The planets had aligned and I signed up. And I am ready to train and looking forward to all of the great advice Mike, Michelle and others are sure to provide. I am also looking forward to being a part of this team with probably some veterans, some newbies—the camaraderie is going to be very important so you do not have conversations like the following:

Emily: Grandma—I signed up for a half-marathon!

Grandma: (silence)

Emily: …grannie?

Grandma: You know that’s like running to your parent’s house…right?’

It seemed ‘challenging’ before but now, gee—thanks grandma!

I hope you (someone…anyone…come on—I am running THIRTEEN MILES…STRAIGHT!) will follow along and that all of you will give money to our fundraising team. My other secret hope is that I will succeed in this race and do what Mike, Michelle, Laura and others have done for me which is inspire you to do something outside of your comfort zone that ends up being as much fun as I think WDW Marathon Weekend 2010 will be…if I can—you can.

Let’s do it! Like Nike (except slower).

1 comment:

Jessica said...

No, but seriously...what have we done???