Thursday, May 14, 2009

I think therefore I am.

There is a famous adage that paraphrased says everything is b.s. before the ‘but’. I don’t want to jinx myself but…I am starting to understand how this ‘running thing’ can quickly become addicting. Reading race stories in my marathon how-to book and Runner’s World is becoming more and more interesting and I really enjoyed Monday’s run—like, really-really enjoyed it. I know—those I-love-running-people always induced some eye-rolling in me as well but…

I decided to power through some non-running related pain Monday evening and take my run within reasonable limits. It was the best run I have had so far. I am starting to notice cardiovascular improvement and realized that my slow run had become almost too comfortable (by all means: insert eye roll and/or gag here).

Of course my non-run pain roared at me with a vengeance when I got home and that, coupled with Lily trying to run away with Mr. Boo-Boo, was a little frustrating. But…I did it. And I did it well. I was able to do it well (or at least better than I could have before) because I have been consistent and persistent—yay for me…

…but. It is all nil if I don’t do it again tomorrow. And again. And then again…etc., so forth, and a continuance and such… I am the Sisyphus of my neighborhood running loop and you know what? I imagine me happy.

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